Thursday, March 29, 2007


Football Quote For the Day:
"Don't send me flowers when I'm dead, send them to me now if you like me."
- Brian Clough

A New Day, A new beginning as they say!!! It was in a way, got to think about many things now. Work, IM, Reading, Writing ....... Well work has taken over from the chat part atleast. For most part of yesterday the only things I did say on the IM ( Durvi had to face it ) was "hmm", "ok", "yaa". So frustrated was Durvesh that he called up today.
Anyway yesterday I read on the BB that someone got an SMS that Bangladesh were caught for doping and so India were thru (of course early april fools) So I decided lets try that at home .... First I sent a message to some guys and then Adil msgs a similar message :) Anyway and then I say it to Ram as he was cutting veggies (I was busy reading Bourne Supremacy) and the way he got up excited to check on NDTV it was a sight to watch. Then Ram, Sneha and Hetal start discussin this and I buried myself into the book ( and a little later went inside and slept :) ) I'm sure when I asked Ram on the IM today he was pretty much in a mood of revenge :D
Today was a much better day had some work in the morning as usual but then free for the rest of the day. Spoke to many people today : started off with Areez, Shiksha and Durvesh (as u can see he called in the morning) and then suddenly Priyanka, Reeti pinged and then Abhay, Sneha. So was pretty much occupied all afternoon. Anyway got loads to do tonight!!! Will write about tonight's efforts captained by sneha (for a change :P) tomorrow!!!!
Chalo then see ya tomorrow ..... hope tonight i can be of some assistance. Else no problem I'll sit back, watch and enjoy :) ;)

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