Thursday, March 22, 2007

Cooking Food at home .......... Its fun

I know the title is a bit misleading and all ................. but yes finally we are cooking food at our place. Its going on pretty well from a week. With head chef Hetal leading the way, we get great food to eat now(oh! not to forget the help she gets from everyone) Moreover this has increased the interest of some people who never ever entered the kitchen(apart from searching stuff to eat)
Its great fun to help and out and cook food and also do some masti here and there, when the food is getting cooked. But the best part is Hetal's expression when she's cooking the food. Bascially expressionless, concentrating on the work. She wouldn't even laugh when she saw Mr.Bean doing something funny. Till the time someone tastes the food and approves it (well the official taster is none other than yours truly) the expression will never change on her face.
But jokes apart she is pretty determined to do her stuff. Ever since i told her i want to learn to cook, she tells me the detailed recipie of everything she makes(I only missed yesterday and that too because I fell asleep at home :)) I hope she makes a decent cook out of me :D
Anyway today is the big game which India has to win. So all of us will be glued to the TV tonight (which guarantees a sleepy day tomorrow!!!) Hopefully they can win tonight ........ so that we dont have to keep watching bangladesh get thrashed every match for the next one month!!!!

Thats it from for today. See you soon!!!!!!!

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