Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Well for my first post I guess I'll put up something which i wrote for my friends loong time back.


Life, well its just a small little word
But it is the best teacher that anyone has

It teaches us to live with the people around us
With all the pressures and all the fuss

It keeps a balance of failure and success
So that we always be alert for all distress

So what if today there are times of trouble
We must fight through it, the fight in our skull

Cause once the mind is clear
There's nothing to fear

And when we are complacent and thick
Life always comes back to give us a kick

And there will be times when life takes ur test
Be ready and don't complain, cause its the same for all the rest

So,we should just try and give our best
And let God do the rest

So, whatever life offers just take
And remember God never makes any mistake
- Marwin

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krishna said...

Yes!!! life's like tht...u always wanna do wht it takes to be the one u wanted to questions on tht...
But, was it worth it????

Anonymous said...

Hey Nice one dude...!