Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Appetite satisfied with Mumbai food and Bermuda thrashing :)

Well, Hello to all. I know its been a long time an all since i wrote but then everybody needs some inspiration to write something (Well the statement was made out of pure humour so you stop raising your eyebrows now!!!)
So where do i start, why not yday when india thrashed bermuda totally and oh yes I was one of the 4 lucky people to have a nice homemade dinner by archu and the gang!!!!!
But the day began pretty ok you ......... after a looong time I stopped getting calls from onsite at 11 in the night( well actually it was only this weekend to be fair to him ) After two days going to infy and working (ya i went on both saturday and sunday) Monday was a well deserved break for me (I know deeps is already like this guy has a break for like the entire week, but she's only jealous thats it dont pay attention to her!!!) Then went to ram's place (or our headquarters I must say!!!!!) to clean up the kitchen and by looking at gaurav's reaction we did a decent job ...... now you know the tiles look green dont you gaurav? :D
Then we started watching the Bermuda match ...... and the beginnning was Bangladesh revisited.......... oh yes hetal's sandwiches kept us busy from stopping to swear at them :D It all went well from there as we all know. Then we went to deepal's place to eat. It was mumbai revisited dahi batata puri, sev puri and last minute left over puris which archu kept calling masala puris(mainly because the chutney got over!!!!!) Aah those days were good as they say!!! Seriously there girls are too good I hope they keep inviting us over(Next time I will be prepared to help) The sight of Gaurav and Ram dancing when Dravid hit a six will remain in my mind for a long time(I was just praying Ram doesn't jump on me in the middle of all of this :) )
Then came home and started swearing at the cable guy because he put ten sports which was showing golf while an important FA Cup tie was on. I cant believe I actually was watching the leaderboard and trying to make sense of it (read praying that the cable operator switches the channel to ESPN) Anyway finally slept at 4 (just cant sleep these days) with my stomach full after such a long time!!!!! Hopefully we can keep making food (well i know eyes beginning to open the sound of "we" but then there were too many ppl working anyway :D Next time surely i shall help, I promise Archu :) )
Hats off to archu and the gang

Until next time .......................... a sleepy good bye to you all...................(Gotta go hetal is going to kill me tomorrow when she finds out that i made her wait for this :D)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey BRo.... Looks like u r having a blasting time out there!!

Take care!!