Thursday, August 9, 2007

A well deserved break!

Wassup ppls! Long time no see, ( or would it be read! ) Anyway got a well deserved break last weekend, with a trip to mahabaleshwar! More than Mahabaleshwar it was the excitement of having fun together after such loooong time! Yup it worked out just fine, had loads of fun and two days seemed so less. But before leaving there was no less drama .....
Before leaving on friday slept at 3.30 in the night, and as it happens more often than not when leaving for a vacation there was work to be completed on friday. I mean it was like "Cmon, not again!". So got stuck in work and finally was able to leave office at 7pm. I was so much drained and exhausted that i could not sit with my eyes open in the train. I missed many things i guess that night, could have joined in the FUN and EVENTS. But then, when there is an empty bed in front of you ( top seat thanks to reetz who got down for food) the temptation is too hard to resist! :)
Pune was awesome everything was well planned out thanks to sufi and durvesh (other people who were involved thanks to them too ..... i wouldn't know how many were involved) Had good breakfast and played some footy (good to see i can still kick the ball :)) down before boarding the bus. Mahabaleshwar and Panchgani was awesome the weather, view simply great. Imagine!!!! I was getting wet, gave my windsheeter to sufi and just let it flow (some things really flowed that day)!! hehe ....... of course best thing which ppl found funny was me an durvi fighting over rules ........ cmon dudes when i saw gaurav and durvesh pick themselves in one team ....... i needed something on my side :) Night was great, played pool for the first time and did ok i guess. I mean i could play the ball in a straight line atleast:D But most of that time was flirting with girl. Her name was Rimjim i think .......... ok ok she was a small girl 6-7 years i think, but she was sweet! Later we had our usual "mandali" at night. I was surprised all pune guys went off to sleep so early. Tango came along later and he also had fun (that's wat he said atleast :P) I dozed off at 1.30 but these guys went on till 4.00. Another thing was naming of the chudeil!!! :D:D ......... i mean shantal an me hardly used to meet here in hyd, but in pune it was more of a war!! I personally enjoyed the battle ......... it was more like Shantal along with sidekick Maya (Danger Mouse with sidekick Penfold :D:D) Oh which reminds me of some AILA groups formed in Pune, Tango is really obssessed with AIG!! and well he has more or less drafted me in.
Return trip well i had only one thing my mind!!! (No guys ......... not thinking of anyone in particular) Man Utd vs Chelsea ...... was happy atleast i got to see the firstr 15 mins:)
Overall enjoyed the trip, met old friends and met new ones. Hopefully this is the just the beginning .................... Cheers!!!!
Ok since yesterday was Durvi's bday and he was begging me to write something (I heard he isn't coming here this weekend so i have my liberties :):)) so here it goes.

Again the sun rose like any other day,
was hidden in my blanket thinking "Shit! Office Today"

Woke up to see my cell ringing violently,
saw it was a reminder of an occasion of glee

Something good happened 25 years ago,
that something good was later on called Dingo!

Remember the first time we met in the Raman hall,
and how we got along just discussing football

But here was a guy so stylo and show off,
but equally matured and simple in thought

Gem of a person and always a caring friend,
i know he'll be when i'm at a dead end

speaking crap is something he did naturally,
but isn't that same crap that makes us smile so beautifully

friend to others, brother to some,
don't worry sneha, you are not included in this one

thinks he can dance, thinks he can sing,
well let me not be the judge or trouble it will bring :)

If he is your friend you are lucky you know,
If you are not, well you must be waiting for sky to snow

Anyway lets cut the crap and wish him today,
I know the time is gone but wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Cheers to all and take care

until next time


Sunday, July 15, 2007

A year gone ........

A year gone since I passed out and made a transition from college life to corporate life. Hmm.... so what's changed? My typing speed has changed for sure! Well there's more than 10 bucks in my pocket now :) It just seems as if i have grown about 5 years older ....... I'm more lazier than i was, I don't run behind the buses and the trains like i used to! (and some other things :D) There's always a more "comfortable" way to travel than the "cheaper" way to travel. No longer is the train coming on the platform the last train to go home .... there's always "another empty" train which i could catch. To sum it all ....... I feel like i've gone backwards. Staying away from Mumbai has made me more older, less alert and etc... etc... I mean its one year man and i already feel I am growing old. I've put on more weight, taking "rest" has become more of a routine rather than a necessity. I prefer staying at home rather than "hanging" out .......... suddenly all the adventure has just vanished out of life. Simply put ...... money has changed what i used to be maybe. You can call it "responsibility" or any other term, but the fact is things i used to do or say one year ago I would think twice now! To think of it, am gonna try to be normal again, try not to take too much "rest" keep myself occupied doing something. Work, games, talk, study, write do something apart from sleeping. Let's see how I fare over this :)
But thenI see my friends in Mumbai and well they aren't faring any better. People who used to be great buddies have hardly the time to call each other, let alone hang out. Work pressure has just taken the life away. People living two blocks away hardly find the time to meet each other. There's always "another" week where we coulkd meet up. Somehow i feel yup i'm doing well to stay away from home. We hang out, speak to each other. Some of us have nicely bonded to share their feelings and problems with each other, while some others have taken the step further. I mean this wouldn't happen probably if we were home ..... and its applicable to both guys an gals. To look at it ........... staying away from home was the best thing that could happen and well we have supported each other to make it possible. Kudos to all of us ............ completed one year at work, one year away from home and more importantly one year of supporting and improving each other in one way or another:)
Ya went to leave "Save" today. He was his usual self as usual not taking things too much upon himself. Yup there was this slight look of "leaving behind", but then who doesn't! Many of us were there, this parents, college friends and of course "ME" :) His college friends even cracked up jokes saying "This is friendship, people are coming from Hyderabad to see him off". Well i barely managed a smile (and cursed a few people for not making it!) But you could see it you know Rozy and the other college guys walking quietly to the ground floor later. Everyone just quiet, nobody wanting to be senti. Just a hope that yaa after 6 months that guy is gonna be back (or he has run away from hell for 6 months as one of the guys said :D)
Anyway I'll sign off here, its 1.30 am in the morning and i need to catch some well deserved rest. Minku's bday was good, took him McD's and all. He's got exams from Tuesday. Catch you guys tomorrow. Hopefully this time I won't stop writing. See yaa

Friday, April 20, 2007

Rain, rain go away!!!!

Yup its been raining cats and dogs since past 2 weeks (one of the reasons for me not to write the blog ..... too gloomy in the evening and I feel bored to do anything) Anyway fortunately (or unfortunately whichever way you look at it) the rains are mostly in the evening. Only day before yesterday it rained in the morning and it was so gloomy i could not distinguish between 7 am and 8.30 am!!!! and it was flooded everywhere which reminds me of the dialogue areez said yesterday (and he calls me god of wisdom!!! huh!!!) Yup I get pretty irritated with the rains ........ don't ask why, i have never got an answer when i asked that to myself :)
Lots have happened here in the past few days ........ I don't know where to start. Yup lets begin with the "Baap" or "ex - baap" if you like it. Well it was quite strange the way he was demanding not to be called daddy!! hehe, hetal is always like "Baapu ..... oh shit sorry ramanuj ....." Very funny and unusual to see the girls referring to Ram as Ram and not as Daddy. I guess Save would be most happy if they stopped calling him bhaiyaa!!! Anyway ghar mixer aa gaya hain and now we can expect more goodies from head chef hetal!!! Temporarily i was promoted from "The peeler man" to "Vessel shiner"(simply put washing vessels ....... feels good to give a big name to it :D) But I donno somehow i just only observe the kitchen battles rather than getting involved. (Areez has assured me that its not a bad thing so i'll take his word for it!)
Oh yes!! I forgot about it!! I have started eating non-veg!! yippee!! The trip to siddique was very satisfying, after all it was more than a month since we went there!! But of course mama's cooking rules ................. oh which reminds me: Mum, Dad and Bro are coming here on May 4th!!! yipeee!! I haven't yet started planning for their trip so loads of work to do now .... but for now just involved in the CMMI assessment of my project. There's a lot of confusion over what docs to prepare cos there has never been an assessment of the project before and the size is less than 3. Lets see we'll manage this also ;)
Now to end this a bit of football please .......... It was great to see Man Utd come back from two losses (in 2 different competitions) to thrash A.S. ROMA (This team stands second in Italian league) 7-1!!!! Awesome entertainment ....... and well haven't looked back since that victory. I can see some people were quite jealous and posted stuff about the Portsmouth game ..... hehehe had a nice round of posts on it!!! :)
I can see this post is getting quite long, so me will stop here ................ See you all take care and as usual until next time


Football Quote for the Day :
"The cleverest do math, the next-best write books. Dancers are the cleverest with their feet, next are footballers." - JOHAN CRUYFF, one of the greatest european footballers

Monday, April 9, 2007


Never hate your enemies. It clouds your judgement."
-Michael Corleone

Well that's not me ..... that's my bro when i reached home!!! "Tu aa gaya......(tries to smile) ..... baad main baat karte hain thik hain(and then off to sleep)" Pretty much spent all the days at home.
First day had some home food finally!!! (Personally I was waiting for saturday when mom would cook non veg ........ I mean she doesn't know many veg recipies an all ..... but non veg she cooks just awesome) Feasted on the easter eggs!!! and then met up with school friends and played PS2!!! Awesome it was to play FIFA 07, Black, Rally etc... etc.... (I know some of you not interested so changing the topic) I just wished I had a PS you would be sitting right in front of the TV the entire day.
Then we had masses on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil on Saturday!! The best part was that there are about 10,000 families in our parish so we always have these masses on the football ground. Its always a great atmosphere ..... plus the passion being sung and gettin the statue of Jesus off the cross!!
Anyway Gaurav called on Friday just to tell his plans. So the first thing he says is "Happy celebrations for Good Friday!" (Well for ppl who do not know .... On Good friday Jesus is crucified on the cross. On this day he dies to liberate mankind from all their sins. Since he died for the good of mankind ...... the day is called Good Friday!) So I am stunned (more because my friend scored against me on PS2 when i was answering the phone!!! cheater!!!!) and then i tell gaurav there is nothing to celebrate an all and its a day of fasting ......... but he is too excited to listen. He just says, "Haan hum ab rahe hain see you later!!!"
Anyway Supreet, Pavan and Marwin(yup my friend's name is also Marwin) came over to my place on saturday after the easter vigil. And we kept talking like till 4 in the morning. Just you know remembering the old days (its just a year ago .... but still gone are the days!! :() those nights when we studied, and then playing HITMAN and NFS while studying....... etc.. etc... well just didn't feel like leaving after remembering those days.
Easter sunday I feasted ......... after a month I was having non veg plus mom made the food so even better!!!!!! Watched the race and pretty much disappointing Ferrari finished 3rd and 5th, to top all the frustration McLaren 1-2 ....... previous week was also bad Man Utd lost both games last week :( pretty frustrating cos they played well and still lost on saturday.
Finally came back to Hyderabad ........ flight was delayed 2 hours so pretty much pissed off (even the airhostesses didn't help this time!!!!) reached home at around 12.30 and then had some dinner (Mum packed some mutton chops) Overall the break came at the right was a much needed one too!!!! Next month mum, dad an bro are coming here so it'll be good then!!!

Chalo gotta go and catch some sleep ...... so take care and until next time


Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Well yup I am back ............. just completed a nice 5 hr sleep. Had a great lunch which had some paneer, mooli and bhindi fry!!!! Flight was good there was this sweet airhostess who kept switching on the reading lights for me (She was quite pretty you know :)) Anyway Shiksha gave treat yesterday at temptations ..... so enjoyed a lot .......... There weren't many of us just Shisha, Deepal, Me, Ram n Sneha. Had a great time though (Mostly I was sleepy and had still to pack bags so that was on the back of my mind) Selpt only for an hour from 1 - 2. Before that finished the packing and watched the PSV Eindhoven - Liverpool game (Liverpool won 0-3 ........... congrats to Pandit, they have virtually booked a place in the semi final) Today is Man Utd's game aginst Roma!! so another sleepless night!!!!
Hope all of you are working hard and not sleeping at your desks......... If you need any inspiration then you can always take it from none other than yours truly :):)
Chalo then nothing else happened in the last 12 hours ........ Take care and until next time


A man who doesn't spend time with the family can never be a real man"

Monday, April 2, 2007


Well, don't worry its not me ...... someone else is!!! To think of it I might be the only survivor left (well u might read it as loser ..... then again its your point of view!!!) Today morning only Sneha gave me the good news and well too happy for Shilpi!!!! As sneha says, "Another roomie down."One by one all my friends have fallen. All my fault you know, when I look back yaa I even managed to make one or two relationships (maybe I'm just lucky for my friends :), I should start charging people now :D)

Anyway leaving aside something at which i was never lucky(hopefully the future will be better, but I'm not complaining ;)) Yesterday was a very very busy day .......... had a big issue to be solved (ya ok!!! some ppl raising their eyebrows already ..... but from the past one week got work and thats why less frequent on IM also ..... ask Durvi if you want) This all created a headache and I was going with Ram and Sneha (Only God could help me!!!) and Ram went on you know talking about some person in Delhi (he comes up with new names everyday) and the same old room no. che so baavan (652 in hindi .... gives more effect :D) So, I freaked out and started taunting him so that kept him quiet (for sometime at least!!!) Then we saw a cab at Gachibowli and well Ram being the smart man went upto him and asked him if he would take us to Galaxy. Well after asking Ram started walking ahead, so I asked kya hua ...... the infamous Daddy says, "Woh bolta hain seedhe chalo pahunch jaaoge" :) (Too bad Ramu, Cab waale ne bhi nahin chodaaa!! :D)

Anyway I did my first constructive help in cooking yesterday, I peeled 3 potatoes!!!!! Well small step for me towards cooking ........ but its a step atleast(FYI, I am the official taster so that's something you know) Yup after this I sat down to write (yup finally something which i can do better at!!) Food was good, head chef Sneha was in action. She is getting good at it you know!!!! (But of course I was there to help all along :P, hey cmon ask her if you want to!!)

Well signing off with quote for the day ...... as one of my bestest friends has said,
hehe, but he has also been overcome by it and I am too happy for him!!!
Congo to Shilpi ..... sincerely hope that its a great life ahead. As for me .... going home tonight!!! Hopefully the net connection is on at home ..... so will keep posting from my place. So till next time take care.



Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer."
- Don Vito Corleone, GODFATHER

Well as you can guess from the quote the weekend i watched the GODFATHER trilogy. It is the most amazing thing and a must watch for all!!! I liked it so much i watch first part twice :)
Anyway a much required break for me, feeling much better now!!! Woke up early on saturday at 10 am (hey cmon now, its a saturday now!!!) Well all went to infy except me!!! so I cleant my room, kept all the clothes in the cupboard (uh ...... well I'm sharing the room with Save so it took me time to search my clothes in the heap lying on one chair)
Then it was godfather time (I had watched the first part last evening but still :D) .......... so from 12 to 7 it was only godfather (with Liverpool vs Arsenal game in between .... uh well some people got messages about the score too :) .... anyway more about the games later) After this it Man United vs Blackburn Rovers. Description is next, with all my emotions :) (so you can skip the next para if you want)
Ya in between Godfather 3 i did manage to watch the first 2 Liverpool goals (which were good) in the end Liverpool won 4-1 ....... Please ask explanations from Faizu :D. Man United started badly conceding a goa in the 29th minute :( So pissed I was, it summed up my entire week. The score was 0-1 at HT (Half Time for the uninitiated) But United came back strong and scored 4 in the second half!!! :):) and it summed up my weekend and well my time ahead!!!!! Only bad thing is Vidic is out for 4-5 weeks which is a huge blow for us :(:(
Anyway away from football we had food at handi and we all (the all here is me, rohan, gaurav and sumit) were going to eat some ice cream. Gaurav had to go to deepal's place to lock the door and something hilarious happened there with shiksha an deepal which i cannot mention here (Please ask them only ...... sorry sicksaa an deeps' couldn't skip this :)). Later these guys came to my place for GURU and i went off to sleep, since had to wake up early for mass on Sunday. Yesterday was Palm Sunday(Ask me later the blog is getting too loong anyway :)) So there was distribution of blessed Palm Leaves, out of which i made a decent cross (But somehow people kept staring at the palm leaf cross in my hand............ maybe because I was holding it like a gun!!!:S) Anyway rest of the day went in washing clothes and the house and some much needed sleep since I woke up at 7.30 for going to church (ya ya ok ok!!! lucky all u guys who slept ..... I had no option there was no evening mass)
Anyway in the end a weekend i was waiting for just for myself ...... books, movies, poems (currently in construction will post tomorrow!!!) Hoping for better days ahead ;) see ya all and take care until next time!!!

Signing off with another Godfather Quote (sorry couldn't resist it :):))
"Never get angry. Never make a threat. Reason with people."
- Don Vito Corleone, GODFATHER