Monday, April 9, 2007


Never hate your enemies. It clouds your judgement."
-Michael Corleone

Well that's not me ..... that's my bro when i reached home!!! "Tu aa gaya......(tries to smile) ..... baad main baat karte hain thik hain(and then off to sleep)" Pretty much spent all the days at home.
First day had some home food finally!!! (Personally I was waiting for saturday when mom would cook non veg ........ I mean she doesn't know many veg recipies an all ..... but non veg she cooks just awesome) Feasted on the easter eggs!!! and then met up with school friends and played PS2!!! Awesome it was to play FIFA 07, Black, Rally etc... etc.... (I know some of you not interested so changing the topic) I just wished I had a PS you would be sitting right in front of the TV the entire day.
Then we had masses on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil on Saturday!! The best part was that there are about 10,000 families in our parish so we always have these masses on the football ground. Its always a great atmosphere ..... plus the passion being sung and gettin the statue of Jesus off the cross!!
Anyway Gaurav called on Friday just to tell his plans. So the first thing he says is "Happy celebrations for Good Friday!" (Well for ppl who do not know .... On Good friday Jesus is crucified on the cross. On this day he dies to liberate mankind from all their sins. Since he died for the good of mankind ...... the day is called Good Friday!) So I am stunned (more because my friend scored against me on PS2 when i was answering the phone!!! cheater!!!!) and then i tell gaurav there is nothing to celebrate an all and its a day of fasting ......... but he is too excited to listen. He just says, "Haan hum ab rahe hain see you later!!!"
Anyway Supreet, Pavan and Marwin(yup my friend's name is also Marwin) came over to my place on saturday after the easter vigil. And we kept talking like till 4 in the morning. Just you know remembering the old days (its just a year ago .... but still gone are the days!! :() those nights when we studied, and then playing HITMAN and NFS while studying....... etc.. etc... well just didn't feel like leaving after remembering those days.
Easter sunday I feasted ......... after a month I was having non veg plus mom made the food so even better!!!!!! Watched the race and pretty much disappointing Ferrari finished 3rd and 5th, to top all the frustration McLaren 1-2 ....... previous week was also bad Man Utd lost both games last week :( pretty frustrating cos they played well and still lost on saturday.
Finally came back to Hyderabad ........ flight was delayed 2 hours so pretty much pissed off (even the airhostesses didn't help this time!!!!) reached home at around 12.30 and then had some dinner (Mum packed some mutton chops) Overall the break came at the right was a much needed one too!!!! Next month mum, dad an bro are coming here so it'll be good then!!!

Chalo gotta go and catch some sleep ...... so take care and until next time


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Marw....

Ur blogs are just too good ....
u should have been a reporter and not a developer....
I think majority would agree to me...
