Friday, April 20, 2007

Rain, rain go away!!!!

Yup its been raining cats and dogs since past 2 weeks (one of the reasons for me not to write the blog ..... too gloomy in the evening and I feel bored to do anything) Anyway fortunately (or unfortunately whichever way you look at it) the rains are mostly in the evening. Only day before yesterday it rained in the morning and it was so gloomy i could not distinguish between 7 am and 8.30 am!!!! and it was flooded everywhere which reminds me of the dialogue areez said yesterday (and he calls me god of wisdom!!! huh!!!) Yup I get pretty irritated with the rains ........ don't ask why, i have never got an answer when i asked that to myself :)
Lots have happened here in the past few days ........ I don't know where to start. Yup lets begin with the "Baap" or "ex - baap" if you like it. Well it was quite strange the way he was demanding not to be called daddy!! hehe, hetal is always like "Baapu ..... oh shit sorry ramanuj ....." Very funny and unusual to see the girls referring to Ram as Ram and not as Daddy. I guess Save would be most happy if they stopped calling him bhaiyaa!!! Anyway ghar mixer aa gaya hain and now we can expect more goodies from head chef hetal!!! Temporarily i was promoted from "The peeler man" to "Vessel shiner"(simply put washing vessels ....... feels good to give a big name to it :D) But I donno somehow i just only observe the kitchen battles rather than getting involved. (Areez has assured me that its not a bad thing so i'll take his word for it!)
Oh yes!! I forgot about it!! I have started eating non-veg!! yippee!! The trip to siddique was very satisfying, after all it was more than a month since we went there!! But of course mama's cooking rules ................. oh which reminds me: Mum, Dad and Bro are coming here on May 4th!!! yipeee!! I haven't yet started planning for their trip so loads of work to do now .... but for now just involved in the CMMI assessment of my project. There's a lot of confusion over what docs to prepare cos there has never been an assessment of the project before and the size is less than 3. Lets see we'll manage this also ;)
Now to end this a bit of football please .......... It was great to see Man Utd come back from two losses (in 2 different competitions) to thrash A.S. ROMA (This team stands second in Italian league) 7-1!!!! Awesome entertainment ....... and well haven't looked back since that victory. I can see some people were quite jealous and posted stuff about the Portsmouth game ..... hehehe had a nice round of posts on it!!! :)
I can see this post is getting quite long, so me will stop here ................ See you all take care and as usual until next time


Football Quote for the Day :
"The cleverest do math, the next-best write books. Dancers are the cleverest with their feet, next are footballers." - JOHAN CRUYFF, one of the greatest european footballers


ChocoLady said...

hey marw......ssup?? The Peeler Man sounds better thn Vessel shiner....its tat a bird?? ....a plane??.....a potato??.....naaaaaaaaaa.......its PEELER MAN 2 da rescue!!......hehhehehe......neways miss u buddy!! cya! tc!!

Supreet said...

Hey Peeling is better than Vessel u got demoted..too mom-dad used to ask me to peel potatoes....i used to do that in front of the tv...they later used to do it themselves...Dont ask why!!!