Sunday, July 15, 2007

A year gone ........

A year gone since I passed out and made a transition from college life to corporate life. Hmm.... so what's changed? My typing speed has changed for sure! Well there's more than 10 bucks in my pocket now :) It just seems as if i have grown about 5 years older ....... I'm more lazier than i was, I don't run behind the buses and the trains like i used to! (and some other things :D) There's always a more "comfortable" way to travel than the "cheaper" way to travel. No longer is the train coming on the platform the last train to go home .... there's always "another empty" train which i could catch. To sum it all ....... I feel like i've gone backwards. Staying away from Mumbai has made me more older, less alert and etc... etc... I mean its one year man and i already feel I am growing old. I've put on more weight, taking "rest" has become more of a routine rather than a necessity. I prefer staying at home rather than "hanging" out .......... suddenly all the adventure has just vanished out of life. Simply put ...... money has changed what i used to be maybe. You can call it "responsibility" or any other term, but the fact is things i used to do or say one year ago I would think twice now! To think of it, am gonna try to be normal again, try not to take too much "rest" keep myself occupied doing something. Work, games, talk, study, write do something apart from sleeping. Let's see how I fare over this :)
But thenI see my friends in Mumbai and well they aren't faring any better. People who used to be great buddies have hardly the time to call each other, let alone hang out. Work pressure has just taken the life away. People living two blocks away hardly find the time to meet each other. There's always "another" week where we coulkd meet up. Somehow i feel yup i'm doing well to stay away from home. We hang out, speak to each other. Some of us have nicely bonded to share their feelings and problems with each other, while some others have taken the step further. I mean this wouldn't happen probably if we were home ..... and its applicable to both guys an gals. To look at it ........... staying away from home was the best thing that could happen and well we have supported each other to make it possible. Kudos to all of us ............ completed one year at work, one year away from home and more importantly one year of supporting and improving each other in one way or another:)
Ya went to leave "Save" today. He was his usual self as usual not taking things too much upon himself. Yup there was this slight look of "leaving behind", but then who doesn't! Many of us were there, this parents, college friends and of course "ME" :) His college friends even cracked up jokes saying "This is friendship, people are coming from Hyderabad to see him off". Well i barely managed a smile (and cursed a few people for not making it!) But you could see it you know Rozy and the other college guys walking quietly to the ground floor later. Everyone just quiet, nobody wanting to be senti. Just a hope that yaa after 6 months that guy is gonna be back (or he has run away from hell for 6 months as one of the guys said :D)
Anyway I'll sign off here, its 1.30 am in the morning and i need to catch some well deserved rest. Minku's bday was good, took him McD's and all. He's got exams from Tuesday. Catch you guys tomorrow. Hopefully this time I won't stop writing. See yaa


Aam Aadmi said...

Here's a comic to cheer you up, buddy :-)

Marwin said...

nice one UT ... hehe!

DEEPU said...

nice one.
Hopefully you continue to write atleast this time. :)

Anonymous said...

he man PLAY CS :-)

Marwin said...


I'm trying man :)