Thursday, August 9, 2007

A well deserved break!

Wassup ppls! Long time no see, ( or would it be read! ) Anyway got a well deserved break last weekend, with a trip to mahabaleshwar! More than Mahabaleshwar it was the excitement of having fun together after such loooong time! Yup it worked out just fine, had loads of fun and two days seemed so less. But before leaving there was no less drama .....
Before leaving on friday slept at 3.30 in the night, and as it happens more often than not when leaving for a vacation there was work to be completed on friday. I mean it was like "Cmon, not again!". So got stuck in work and finally was able to leave office at 7pm. I was so much drained and exhausted that i could not sit with my eyes open in the train. I missed many things i guess that night, could have joined in the FUN and EVENTS. But then, when there is an empty bed in front of you ( top seat thanks to reetz who got down for food) the temptation is too hard to resist! :)
Pune was awesome everything was well planned out thanks to sufi and durvesh (other people who were involved thanks to them too ..... i wouldn't know how many were involved) Had good breakfast and played some footy (good to see i can still kick the ball :)) down before boarding the bus. Mahabaleshwar and Panchgani was awesome the weather, view simply great. Imagine!!!! I was getting wet, gave my windsheeter to sufi and just let it flow (some things really flowed that day)!! hehe ....... of course best thing which ppl found funny was me an durvi fighting over rules ........ cmon dudes when i saw gaurav and durvesh pick themselves in one team ....... i needed something on my side :) Night was great, played pool for the first time and did ok i guess. I mean i could play the ball in a straight line atleast:D But most of that time was flirting with girl. Her name was Rimjim i think .......... ok ok she was a small girl 6-7 years i think, but she was sweet! Later we had our usual "mandali" at night. I was surprised all pune guys went off to sleep so early. Tango came along later and he also had fun (that's wat he said atleast :P) I dozed off at 1.30 but these guys went on till 4.00. Another thing was naming of the chudeil!!! :D:D ......... i mean shantal an me hardly used to meet here in hyd, but in pune it was more of a war!! I personally enjoyed the battle ......... it was more like Shantal along with sidekick Maya (Danger Mouse with sidekick Penfold :D:D) Oh which reminds me of some AILA groups formed in Pune, Tango is really obssessed with AIG!! and well he has more or less drafted me in.
Return trip well i had only one thing my mind!!! (No guys ......... not thinking of anyone in particular) Man Utd vs Chelsea ...... was happy atleast i got to see the firstr 15 mins:)
Overall enjoyed the trip, met old friends and met new ones. Hopefully this is the just the beginning .................... Cheers!!!!
Ok since yesterday was Durvi's bday and he was begging me to write something (I heard he isn't coming here this weekend so i have my liberties :):)) so here it goes.

Again the sun rose like any other day,
was hidden in my blanket thinking "Shit! Office Today"

Woke up to see my cell ringing violently,
saw it was a reminder of an occasion of glee

Something good happened 25 years ago,
that something good was later on called Dingo!

Remember the first time we met in the Raman hall,
and how we got along just discussing football

But here was a guy so stylo and show off,
but equally matured and simple in thought

Gem of a person and always a caring friend,
i know he'll be when i'm at a dead end

speaking crap is something he did naturally,
but isn't that same crap that makes us smile so beautifully

friend to others, brother to some,
don't worry sneha, you are not included in this one

thinks he can dance, thinks he can sing,
well let me not be the judge or trouble it will bring :)

If he is your friend you are lucky you know,
If you are not, well you must be waiting for sky to snow

Anyway lets cut the crap and wish him today,
I know the time is gone but wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Cheers to all and take care

until next time



Unknown said...

hey marvin, while reading this i gone into flashback again..i was truelly experiencing all the trip moments again..!!!!
nice work...
keep it yp..bless u...

Durvesh said...

awesome dude .... masta peom aahe. Mala khoop aavadli. Aur kyun na lage meri itni laal jo ki hai ismein :P

Thanks a lot for your wishes Bro :D