Monday, April 2, 2007


Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer."
- Don Vito Corleone, GODFATHER

Well as you can guess from the quote the weekend i watched the GODFATHER trilogy. It is the most amazing thing and a must watch for all!!! I liked it so much i watch first part twice :)
Anyway a much required break for me, feeling much better now!!! Woke up early on saturday at 10 am (hey cmon now, its a saturday now!!!) Well all went to infy except me!!! so I cleant my room, kept all the clothes in the cupboard (uh ...... well I'm sharing the room with Save so it took me time to search my clothes in the heap lying on one chair)
Then it was godfather time (I had watched the first part last evening but still :D) .......... so from 12 to 7 it was only godfather (with Liverpool vs Arsenal game in between .... uh well some people got messages about the score too :) .... anyway more about the games later) After this it Man United vs Blackburn Rovers. Description is next, with all my emotions :) (so you can skip the next para if you want)
Ya in between Godfather 3 i did manage to watch the first 2 Liverpool goals (which were good) in the end Liverpool won 4-1 ....... Please ask explanations from Faizu :D. Man United started badly conceding a goa in the 29th minute :( So pissed I was, it summed up my entire week. The score was 0-1 at HT (Half Time for the uninitiated) But United came back strong and scored 4 in the second half!!! :):) and it summed up my weekend and well my time ahead!!!!! Only bad thing is Vidic is out for 4-5 weeks which is a huge blow for us :(:(
Anyway away from football we had food at handi and we all (the all here is me, rohan, gaurav and sumit) were going to eat some ice cream. Gaurav had to go to deepal's place to lock the door and something hilarious happened there with shiksha an deepal which i cannot mention here (Please ask them only ...... sorry sicksaa an deeps' couldn't skip this :)). Later these guys came to my place for GURU and i went off to sleep, since had to wake up early for mass on Sunday. Yesterday was Palm Sunday(Ask me later the blog is getting too loong anyway :)) So there was distribution of blessed Palm Leaves, out of which i made a decent cross (But somehow people kept staring at the palm leaf cross in my hand............ maybe because I was holding it like a gun!!!:S) Anyway rest of the day went in washing clothes and the house and some much needed sleep since I woke up at 7.30 for going to church (ya ya ok ok!!! lucky all u guys who slept ..... I had no option there was no evening mass)
Anyway in the end a weekend i was waiting for just for myself ...... books, movies, poems (currently in construction will post tomorrow!!!) Hoping for better days ahead ;) see ya all and take care until next time!!!

Signing off with another Godfather Quote (sorry couldn't resist it :):))
"Never get angry. Never make a threat. Reason with people."
- Don Vito Corleone, GODFATHER


Anonymous said...

Awesome movie !!..Specially the quote " Ill make him an offer he cannot refuse !"

For some reasons i liked the 2nd Part more..Robert De Niro is awesome !!

DEEPU said...

Hey good to know that you had a nice time watching movies. I had been to chennai. Had a nice time with friends there. awaiting your next trip to mangalore. :)

Marwin said...

anytime the 2nd one is better it is an all time best