Monday, April 2, 2007


Well, don't worry its not me ...... someone else is!!! To think of it I might be the only survivor left (well u might read it as loser ..... then again its your point of view!!!) Today morning only Sneha gave me the good news and well too happy for Shilpi!!!! As sneha says, "Another roomie down."One by one all my friends have fallen. All my fault you know, when I look back yaa I even managed to make one or two relationships (maybe I'm just lucky for my friends :), I should start charging people now :D)

Anyway leaving aside something at which i was never lucky(hopefully the future will be better, but I'm not complaining ;)) Yesterday was a very very busy day .......... had a big issue to be solved (ya ok!!! some ppl raising their eyebrows already ..... but from the past one week got work and thats why less frequent on IM also ..... ask Durvi if you want) This all created a headache and I was going with Ram and Sneha (Only God could help me!!!) and Ram went on you know talking about some person in Delhi (he comes up with new names everyday) and the same old room no. che so baavan (652 in hindi .... gives more effect :D) So, I freaked out and started taunting him so that kept him quiet (for sometime at least!!!) Then we saw a cab at Gachibowli and well Ram being the smart man went upto him and asked him if he would take us to Galaxy. Well after asking Ram started walking ahead, so I asked kya hua ...... the infamous Daddy says, "Woh bolta hain seedhe chalo pahunch jaaoge" :) (Too bad Ramu, Cab waale ne bhi nahin chodaaa!! :D)

Anyway I did my first constructive help in cooking yesterday, I peeled 3 potatoes!!!!! Well small step for me towards cooking ........ but its a step atleast(FYI, I am the official taster so that's something you know) Yup after this I sat down to write (yup finally something which i can do better at!!) Food was good, head chef Sneha was in action. She is getting good at it you know!!!! (But of course I was there to help all along :P, hey cmon ask her if you want to!!)

Well signing off with quote for the day ...... as one of my bestest friends has said,
hehe, but he has also been overcome by it and I am too happy for him!!!
Congo to Shilpi ..... sincerely hope that its a great life ahead. As for me .... going home tonight!!! Hopefully the net connection is on at home ..... so will keep posting from my place. So till next time take care.



Anonymous said...

Hmmm Love surely is in the air.. hope it stays there... amen.

Unknown said...

hmm.. i can smell it.
so what's cooking today??