Monday, March 26, 2007

Indian Blues :(

Well pretty sad weekend this was!!!! First of all there was no football because of all the international qualifiers. I know I know all the girls will be like what's with this guy, but as the Legendary Bill Shankly said, "Someone said 'football is more important than life and death to you' and I said 'Listen, it's more important than that'." :)
Then yes our overrated Indian Team proved yet again why they shouldn't have taken the flight to the Windies in the first place. It was pretty bad the way they lost, Gaurav was totally crestfallen. I can totally understand his case, I was in a similar situation 4 years ago. But times have changed and I look at things differently now. The performance was pretty much "pathetic" and they played the Bangladesh game without any "heart". I mean I watched so many sports and there is one thing common, unless you have the will and the passion to win for the fans you will never win the game. Thats what happened against Bangladesh, there was no fire nor heart. They went in as if it was a practice match. Hopefully we will learn from this cos things can't be worse than this ..... Getting knocked out of the first round of the World Cup.
The weekend was pretty much boring! Saturday was working (which isn't what one is looking forward to after watching your team lose at 2 in the night!!!) Also I got into trouble with the HR on friday, so it wasn't looking good at all :X Went home an Sneha prepared Poha for us which was good(But for some reason she kept asking us to order food from outside) The only good thing to happen was that i started reading again. Been a long time since I caught a book in my hand. Sunday I woke at 12 (slept at 3 last night after watching SA vs AUS, was a treat for any fan) Washed my clothes for the first time in the new house, also got a first look at our terrace. The view is pretty good with more houses to look at ;) Then went to church and came back, had food and slept. Oh yes Rohan got an ON THE SPOT award so was happy for him, finally getting fruits for the hard work he puts in!!!!

Signing off with a quote by Sir Alex Ferguson when United were 0-1 down at half time in the Champions League Final :

"At the end of this game, the European Cup will be only six feet away from you and you'll not even able to touch it if we lose. And for many of you that will be the closest you will ever get. Don't you dare come back in here without giving your all".
  • Alex Ferguson's half time team talk during the 1999 European Cup Final
United won the game 2-1 scoring in 91st and 93rd minute :) ...... wish we could have a coach like that for the Indian Team :(

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