Friday, March 30, 2007


You could also call it the birthday "ALMOST " blast. Whichever you see it, the birthday idea was successful. Its very satisfying when the person u plan to surprise actually gets surprised. Anyway we got the cake and sneha and Ram had gone to IMAX so they got the gift (Well they got something atleast!!) Anyway we waited for from like 11.15 at their place in total darkness and heat.....(Yaa!! people must thank us we did not ruin their decorations and sat in the heat) As it turned out they came like after 12 (Me and Faizu were considering to attack the cake, but managed to maintain our decency)
Finally the birthday girl arrives, with her accomplises. I donno if you call it luck but the candle burned at the right time and as soon as the door opened it started humming the HAPPY BIRTHDAY song (well it went on for an entire 1 hour, which was pretty irritating) Anyway we sang the song, cut the cake and wait!!! Well the next thing on my mind was to eat the cake cos it was so good. But no, people actually wanted to waste it by smearing it all over Shiksha's face. Well a few of us were smart enough to put it right in the tummy, and after a few bites Shiksha goes "MARWIN" (Whatever it is, I had no hand in it!! I swear to God!!!) "Tujhe maine cake nahin khilaaya" (Phew!!!) and i feasted more :) Well after this we opened Shiksha's gift which was a guitar lighter( ok!! no misinterpreting......a lighter which was looking like a guitar) and well cigarettes(and all this while that stupid candle was still making that noise!!! :X) Don't ask me why such innovative gifts .... I myself have no clue!!! Anyway after a small jamming session and futile attempts to chase shiksha and give her bday bumps, we packed off for the day (err..... night i guess!!)
Oh speaking about the blast, well Gaurav and Rohan got this small little bomb and were so excited about bursting it. Well, if you ask I was only concerned about not being anywhere near this experiment. Anyway, then Hetal went on to make a new theory of how terrorists could want to make these bombs and sell them off for cheap (well, why would they sell it, wouldn't they just blow the place up!!! sounds fun, doesn't it!!!) Hetal herself got tensed after making the theory. Anyway Gaurav and Kanishka tried many attempts to blow the thing off but well
i guess these things happen. I think the small balloon bursting antics by Shilpi in the end were more effective!!!(Oh yes, dont worry Shilpi is just the same as how i saw her two weeks back!!!)
I think in the end I can safely say that we made Shiksha's day yesterday (i don't think night would be the appropriate word here :)) Thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it. Hope you had a great day till now Shiksha and hope you have a great year ahead!!!!

P.S. : I couldn't miss FOOTBALL QUOTE OF THE DAY :) sorry

"Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win."
- Gary Linekar, 1986 WC Golden Boot Winner

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Football Quote For the Day:
"Don't send me flowers when I'm dead, send them to me now if you like me."
- Brian Clough

A New Day, A new beginning as they say!!! It was in a way, got to think about many things now. Work, IM, Reading, Writing ....... Well work has taken over from the chat part atleast. For most part of yesterday the only things I did say on the IM ( Durvi had to face it ) was "hmm", "ok", "yaa". So frustrated was Durvesh that he called up today.
Anyway yesterday I read on the BB that someone got an SMS that Bangladesh were caught for doping and so India were thru (of course early april fools) So I decided lets try that at home .... First I sent a message to some guys and then Adil msgs a similar message :) Anyway and then I say it to Ram as he was cutting veggies (I was busy reading Bourne Supremacy) and the way he got up excited to check on NDTV it was a sight to watch. Then Ram, Sneha and Hetal start discussin this and I buried myself into the book ( and a little later went inside and slept :) ) I'm sure when I asked Ram on the IM today he was pretty much in a mood of revenge :D
Today was a much better day had some work in the morning as usual but then free for the rest of the day. Spoke to many people today : started off with Areez, Shiksha and Durvesh (as u can see he called in the morning) and then suddenly Priyanka, Reeti pinged and then Abhay, Sneha. So was pretty much occupied all afternoon. Anyway got loads to do tonight!!! Will write about tonight's efforts captained by sneha (for a change :P) tomorrow!!!!
Chalo then see ya tomorrow ..... hope tonight i can be of some assistance. Else no problem I'll sit back, watch and enjoy :) ;)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


"If you are first you are first. If you are second you are nothing."
- Bill Shankly

Well yaa, yesterday was quite a lousy day. Had a bad morning before breakfast, only good thing was that i actually had breakfast after a long time. Felt sick as the day went on. As Durvesh says,"Jab hum jyaadaa sochte hain toh vaat lagti hain". So just went home in the evening and slept for half an hour and then watched American Pie (Great way to release Tension what say!!! :)) Hetal made wonderful Pizza's which kept me alive in the evening ......... Thanks yaar!!!
Oh the only thing to say was that we got coolers home. For some funny reason Coolers were reached to us in the morning and not in the evening as we asked. So well there we were me, ram and Rohan pushin the coolers all the way to my place at 11.30 in the night. Finally after lots of misery and noises in the cooler (which Nitin fixed thankfully) I slept at 2.

Well nothing much which i can write about here, so I thought I'll dig into archives and see if there was anything i wrote. This one I wrote in the final semester of engineering. Hope you guys like it. Take care till you read this page next time.

My Highway Trail
I was walking alone down the highway they call life,
Then came my mates along and made it one hell of a ride

You taught me how to walk this one way street,
I learnt new lessons from you guys, everyday I meet

Had some high times, low times, times of fun and times I knelt,
Even here I was awed by the way you people helped and how for me you felt

The Assignments passed around the class,
The tests with our books on our laps

Times to scribble memories on our benches,
Others when we just talked about our past adventures

The jokes we had, our secrets we shared,
Well to say those things I was always scared

Now its time to leave, but its hard for me to let you go,
Yet the tide will come and will take you away from this shore

Now again I shall walk alone with no one on my either side,
Yet you will still be there running on somewhere deep in my mind

And when I look back I see times of pass and fail,
And then I see you guys waving to me as I leave my trail
- Marwin

Monday, March 26, 2007

Indian Blues :(

Well pretty sad weekend this was!!!! First of all there was no football because of all the international qualifiers. I know I know all the girls will be like what's with this guy, but as the Legendary Bill Shankly said, "Someone said 'football is more important than life and death to you' and I said 'Listen, it's more important than that'." :)
Then yes our overrated Indian Team proved yet again why they shouldn't have taken the flight to the Windies in the first place. It was pretty bad the way they lost, Gaurav was totally crestfallen. I can totally understand his case, I was in a similar situation 4 years ago. But times have changed and I look at things differently now. The performance was pretty much "pathetic" and they played the Bangladesh game without any "heart". I mean I watched so many sports and there is one thing common, unless you have the will and the passion to win for the fans you will never win the game. Thats what happened against Bangladesh, there was no fire nor heart. They went in as if it was a practice match. Hopefully we will learn from this cos things can't be worse than this ..... Getting knocked out of the first round of the World Cup.
The weekend was pretty much boring! Saturday was working (which isn't what one is looking forward to after watching your team lose at 2 in the night!!!) Also I got into trouble with the HR on friday, so it wasn't looking good at all :X Went home an Sneha prepared Poha for us which was good(But for some reason she kept asking us to order food from outside) The only good thing to happen was that i started reading again. Been a long time since I caught a book in my hand. Sunday I woke at 12 (slept at 3 last night after watching SA vs AUS, was a treat for any fan) Washed my clothes for the first time in the new house, also got a first look at our terrace. The view is pretty good with more houses to look at ;) Then went to church and came back, had food and slept. Oh yes Rohan got an ON THE SPOT award so was happy for him, finally getting fruits for the hard work he puts in!!!!

Signing off with a quote by Sir Alex Ferguson when United were 0-1 down at half time in the Champions League Final :

"At the end of this game, the European Cup will be only six feet away from you and you'll not even able to touch it if we lose. And for many of you that will be the closest you will ever get. Don't you dare come back in here without giving your all".
  • Alex Ferguson's half time team talk during the 1999 European Cup Final
United won the game 2-1 scoring in 91st and 93rd minute :) ...... wish we could have a coach like that for the Indian Team :(

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Cooking Food at home .......... Its fun

I know the title is a bit misleading and all ................. but yes finally we are cooking food at our place. Its going on pretty well from a week. With head chef Hetal leading the way, we get great food to eat now(oh! not to forget the help she gets from everyone) Moreover this has increased the interest of some people who never ever entered the kitchen(apart from searching stuff to eat)
Its great fun to help and out and cook food and also do some masti here and there, when the food is getting cooked. But the best part is Hetal's expression when she's cooking the food. Bascially expressionless, concentrating on the work. She wouldn't even laugh when she saw Mr.Bean doing something funny. Till the time someone tastes the food and approves it (well the official taster is none other than yours truly) the expression will never change on her face.
But jokes apart she is pretty determined to do her stuff. Ever since i told her i want to learn to cook, she tells me the detailed recipie of everything she makes(I only missed yesterday and that too because I fell asleep at home :)) I hope she makes a decent cook out of me :D
Anyway today is the big game which India has to win. So all of us will be glued to the TV tonight (which guarantees a sleepy day tomorrow!!!) Hopefully they can win tonight ........ so that we dont have to keep watching bangladesh get thrashed every match for the next one month!!!!

Thats it from for today. See you soon!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Appetite satisfied with Mumbai food and Bermuda thrashing :)

Well, Hello to all. I know its been a long time an all since i wrote but then everybody needs some inspiration to write something (Well the statement was made out of pure humour so you stop raising your eyebrows now!!!)
So where do i start, why not yday when india thrashed bermuda totally and oh yes I was one of the 4 lucky people to have a nice homemade dinner by archu and the gang!!!!!
But the day began pretty ok you ......... after a looong time I stopped getting calls from onsite at 11 in the night( well actually it was only this weekend to be fair to him ) After two days going to infy and working (ya i went on both saturday and sunday) Monday was a well deserved break for me (I know deeps is already like this guy has a break for like the entire week, but she's only jealous thats it dont pay attention to her!!!) Then went to ram's place (or our headquarters I must say!!!!!) to clean up the kitchen and by looking at gaurav's reaction we did a decent job ...... now you know the tiles look green dont you gaurav? :D
Then we started watching the Bermuda match ...... and the beginnning was Bangladesh revisited.......... oh yes hetal's sandwiches kept us busy from stopping to swear at them :D It all went well from there as we all know. Then we went to deepal's place to eat. It was mumbai revisited dahi batata puri, sev puri and last minute left over puris which archu kept calling masala puris(mainly because the chutney got over!!!!!) Aah those days were good as they say!!! Seriously there girls are too good I hope they keep inviting us over(Next time I will be prepared to help) The sight of Gaurav and Ram dancing when Dravid hit a six will remain in my mind for a long time(I was just praying Ram doesn't jump on me in the middle of all of this :) )
Then came home and started swearing at the cable guy because he put ten sports which was showing golf while an important FA Cup tie was on. I cant believe I actually was watching the leaderboard and trying to make sense of it (read praying that the cable operator switches the channel to ESPN) Anyway finally slept at 4 (just cant sleep these days) with my stomach full after such a long time!!!!! Hopefully we can keep making food (well i know eyes beginning to open the sound of "we" but then there were too many ppl working anyway :D Next time surely i shall help, I promise Archu :) )
Hats off to archu and the gang

Until next time .......................... a sleepy good bye to you all...................(Gotta go hetal is going to kill me tomorrow when she finds out that i made her wait for this :D)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Well for my first post I guess I'll put up something which i wrote for my friends loong time back.


Life, well its just a small little word
But it is the best teacher that anyone has

It teaches us to live with the people around us
With all the pressures and all the fuss

It keeps a balance of failure and success
So that we always be alert for all distress

So what if today there are times of trouble
We must fight through it, the fight in our skull

Cause once the mind is clear
There's nothing to fear

And when we are complacent and thick
Life always comes back to give us a kick

And there will be times when life takes ur test
Be ready and don't complain, cause its the same for all the rest

So,we should just try and give our best
And let God do the rest

So, whatever life offers just take
And remember God never makes any mistake
- Marwin

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